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27 No Sweat Ideas To Burn Calories

I hear you. You don’t have time to workout every day.  Life is busy and I get it. Listen, I don’t workout every day. I do take an occasional rest day, but I’m always conscious to move whenever I get the opportunity.  No, every workout does not have to be a sweat session. Simply telling yourself to move more can be life changing.  After all, your desk chair or your couch may be your biggest health hazzard. People will tell me they think the whole “park farther away in the parking lot” tip is silly.  But I’m here to tell you that it’s all about the sum of the parts.  Active people tend to burn more calories, feel better and are even happier! And all of those small decisions, like walking across a parking lot to enter the store–add up!  You all know I’m a lover of intense workouts, but one hour a day of exercise does not grant you the privilege to sit  on your butt for the next 16 hours.

 See More At: 27 No Sweat Ideas to Get You Moving

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