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3 Simple Tips To Get Six Pack ABS

When I stumbled upon the Victoria’s Secret model workout series over on XHIT Daily, I immediately shoved my 3-year-old into her car seat and raced over to Target so I could buy myself a yoga mat, a set of 5 lb hand weights, and a set of 2.5 lb ankle weights, and while I was promising my daughter she could have free reign of the toy department if she would just give me 5 more minutes to look at all of the other workout paraphernalia, a shelf of workout DVDs caught my eye.

I’d never done any at-home workout DVDs up until that point in my life, but I feel like everyone I know owns the entire Jillian Michaels catalogue, so I decided to grab a set.

 See More At your body weight, fat loss and type of activity.

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