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20 Simple&Easy Weight Loss Tips

I don’t know about you, but I had a really active summer.

My daughter and I spent a lot of time outside.

I started running in the mornings.

I tried some of these fantastic at-home cardio workouts.

I broke a sweat doing these ab workouts.

And I even gave some of these at-home yoga workouts for busy moms a try.

But after my dad died really unexpectedly in July and I found myself too consumed with everything that was happening in my life to find the time to sleep let alone squeeze in a workout, my clothes started to get tight on me.

And even when I did start back at the gym, I found those extra pounds just would not budge.

So I started thinking of all of the weight loss tips I’ve learned over the years, and with a few small changes on my part (think: more sleep, water, and time on our bathroom scale), I am finally getting back to the size I’m most comfortable with.

 See More At:  20 simple & easy weight loss tips everyone should read

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